SLANT is shutting down... (April Fools!)

By now you might have heard the rumors. They're true. It’s been a good run and like all good things, it must come to an end sometime. So with tearful eyes* we must announce that we’re shutting down...

....our old website and launching SLANT version 3! (Yes, you just got April Fool'd. Don't worry, we're not going anywhere! Now..back to the story...) 

We know everyone is going to miss our old website – one of the last on the internet that didn't work on smartphones and had background music like it was still the year 2002. And to those people, we say we’re sorry**. Try and push past this tragic news and check out our shiny new site,  we think it will leave you saying “old site? who?”

*Note: the tearful eyes are from finding out someone finished the last beer in the mini fridge. So far it’s looking like Clifford

**Note: for those who can't handle progress and would rather pretend it's still 2002, don't can still view our old website here.


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