Staying Active To Stay Creative

We love what we do. But...

Utilizing our intelligence and creativity on a daily basis to develop wildly successful marketing campaigns or improve the user experience of a client’s app can be totally draining – on some days, there’s no amount of coffee to keep those creative juices flowing. So we’re big believers in getting away from the computer and being active so we can stay fresh and creative.  

From a non-scientific SLANT team poll, here are some of the favorite workouts you'll find on our regular weekly schedule...

1. Running

We love running. From the Ravenel Bridge in Charleston to Greenville’s bustling downtown, a good long run always clears the head. Fresh air plus a killer playlist can produce some seriously good ideas – the trick is figuring out how to write them down mid-stride.

2. Crossfit

What’s great about Crossfit is that it doesn’t matter if we’re in Greenville, Charleston, Spartanburg or Boston...a good Crossfit gym is always easy to access! (Full disclaimer: just because it’s on our list doesn’t mean we’re any good at it. But hey, fun fact: did you know you can break your nose by snatching improperly?)

3. Spinning

There’s a clash in the Greenville office as to the better schedule: noon on Mondays and Wednesdays or 5:30am Tuesdays and Thursdays? We’re not sure if it’s the workout or the chit-chatty Soccer Moms that casually pedal in the back row that makes spin class so much fun.

4. Swimming

Ahhhh, nothing like coming into the office smelling chlorine, right? But hitting the pool can really get the creative juices flowing – all that quiet alone time has lead to some of our best a-ha moments. Then again, there are also those moments when you’re sprinting for the ladder because some kid just peed in the pool.

So yeah, sometimes ideas need more than just brainpower. Sometimes they need muscle power, too. Besides, it’s such a great excuse to sneak away from the boss for a few minutes each day…


Thanksgiving Leftovers


Meet The Peeps: Morgan Yarborough