Blog & News

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When Friends Become Clients

Some clients we find at networking events, some find us via an old-fashioned Google search, and some get referred by existing clients. Then there’s the last category - folks we’ve known personally for ages and that's where things can get tricky.

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Random, Design Random, Design

SLANTsgiving Leftovers

Six days after Thanksgiving and you only thought you were done with leftovers. It's that time of year when we share some of our SLANT leftovers of delicious creative work that was shoved in the fridge by the client and never heard from again.

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Staying Active To Stay Creative

Utilizing our intelligence and creativity on a daily basis to do great things for our clients can take its toll. To combat brain drain, we’re big believers in getting away from the computer and being active to stay fresh and creative.

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Random, Design Random, Design


In keeping with the Halloween spirit, we thought we'd show off some work that was KILLED IN COLD BLOOD, never to see the light of day. (ok, so the work was "politely dismissed" but that doesn't sound very halloweeny). Have fun browsing the land of the dead. MUWAHAHAHA....

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Your UI is killing my UX

Unless you live under a rock (or maybe in a commune), you’ve probably heard that Apple just released iOS7. Annnd if you’ve already installed it, you’ve certainly noticed it looks more like a 3 year old’s toy than a modern OS. What you may not realize is that the hideous paint job of iOS7 is actually overshadowing what is a major improvement in user experience. So we thought this would be a good time to explain the difference between UX and UI design.

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