Thanksgiving Leftovers

Leftovers come in two forms: the ‘lumpy, what-the-hell-even-is-this’ kind, or the ‘omg-this-is-just-as-good-maybe-even-better-than-the-original’ kind.

SLANT leftovers fall in this second category. And by leftovers, we mean the hundreds of logos, slogans, website designs and advertisements that our awesome clients didn’t pick.

Sometimes it’s because we just had too many good ideas to pick from. Or that one time, the client blacks out and accidentally chooses the less awesome one. Either way, we have a treasure trove full of ‘leftover’ work. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving leftovers, we thought we’d share a few of our faves.

Lotus Vietnamese Cuisine:

This trendy Vietnamese spot in North Charleston went with our fiery hot logo concept while a more traditional approach got left on the table (see what we did there? Leftovers? On the table? Ok..we’ll stop).

Computer Directions:

Charleston software maker Computer Directions swiped right on the clean and simple route and swiped left on just a few other options.


This messaging app startup was looking for some clever ways to tout their key features to an edgy audience. After ultimately scrapping the project, there were some tasty leftovers left on the table...

Sparks Research:

This Clemson, SC-based research and analytics firm chose this very resarchy, graphy style logo over this even researchier, graphier style logo.

Still hungry?

Grab another plate of cold turkey from the fridge and enjoy a few more pics of SLANT leftovers – we're going take a tryptophan-induced nap.


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