You Can Fly!

Binge watching ALL the things on Netflix? Ordering a pizza by yelling at Alexa? Unlocking your new iPhone with your face (even if you have RBF)? These are all all modern-day things we love that are super cool. But those pale in comparison to the coolness of machines that fly and go into outer space! So imagine our excitement when we were tapped to work with South Carolina Aerospace on a new Aerospace Careers Campaign.

SC Aerospace is an industry cluster of South Carolina Competes; a nonpartisan, business-led non-profit organization committed to advancing the long-term economic competitiveness of South Carolina. This amazing group has tasked SLANT with creating a new marketing campaign to attract students from kindergarten through high school to consider a learning path that prepares them for high paying jobs in the aerospace industry right here in South Carolina.

Our Founder and Creative Director, Christopher Cecil said this of the new project: “We get pretty nerdy about technology and stuff here at SLANT, so an opportunity to deep dive on aerospace tech that’s happening right here in our own state is going to be so. much. fun.  We want students to know that math and science isn’t’s hella cool. Plus, there’s going to be robots, drones and planes involved...what’s not to love?

Preparing for Takeoff

Before diving into any creative whatsoever, we went through our comprehensive DISCOVERY process to get to know everything about the aerospace industry and careers in South Carolina. We spent a couple of months gathering insights from educational and industry leaders from across the state (have we mentioned our discovery process is thorough?). We learned...a lot. We learned the SC Aerospace industry involves way more than just the big names like Boeing and Lockheed Martin. There are hundreds of aerospace companies across the state that play an integral part in supplying parts, research, technologies, and support services to the aerospace industry, and growing our economy along the way.

For example...did you know that the total economic impact of the aerospace industry in South Carolina is $19,000,000,000! (That’s at least 2,303,030,303 Chipotle burritos! 🌯🌯🌯)

OR...that airplane painters are one of the most in-demand jobs in the SC Aerospace manufacturing sector? 🎨🥇

OR...that for every 10 aerospace private sector jobs created there are 13 additional jobs created somewhere else in the state’s economy?! ✈️=👩🏻‍🏭👨🏾‍🔬👩🏽‍🔧

This. Is. Important. (Like, almost as important as finding out why the men's romper exists.)

Cleared For Takeoff

We were constantly blown away by all of the crazy cool stuff coming out of the aerospace industry during our discovery process (like FLYING TAXI CABS!) We wanted to shout this cool factor from the rooftops (Like the fact that FLYING TAXI CABS are coming!) to let kids know: “Yeah, THIS cool stuff is SC Aerospace!” We want every kid in South Carolina to be motivated to know they can work with this cool stuff...for a living...and get paid high wages to do it...right here in South Carolina.

Our creative solution was a bold and bright campaign that touts fun and quirky facts about the industry or highlights compelling aspects of working in aerospace that most people don’t think about.

So if you live in South Carolina, keep your eyes open! This campaign will be rolling out across the state next year! In the meantime, if you’re looking for a kickass marketing or advertising campaign, brand identity strategy, or perhaps a new website...and you’re into cool, maybe nerdy, maybe fun, (maybe all) kinds of things, we should definitely talk.*

*but first, coffee


SLANTsgiving Leftovers


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